Aspiring Journey 16X20

She begins her journey in to Life through the arch that supports her dreams..

Unknowing, she thinks the stream flow will be like froth of whipping cream, music dancing,
and Life under the wing of Pegasus in a chaotically beautiful World.

Does she think like other people?
Each snowflake is unique.

In her wonderment, magic carpets
hover between dreamy chaotic realities and away from sociofavela..
Reality of chaos forms creativity, with different body and mind moves making things better.

Gelerity in her gentle walk and heartfelt curiosity brings her closer to the everblooming garden of colors
and sexuberance that follows..

A strange hourglass defies law of gravity..the sand stems the flow of Time like a lilliput geyser..

Soon her savoir-faire will include “kik-ass”!

“Aspiring Journey” 16X20 – oil painting by SophiaFine – prose by SophiaFine February 2013