Ardent Messenger 48×48 sold

How do we perceive a work of Art? What happens in the face-off between Viewer and Art?
Answers to these questions are impossible. The Artist sometimes begins with an Idea and in the
process evokes Paradise to Eternity.
Unconscious expression obscured once within the Artist will now be rendered on the canvas.
The discoveries continue taking place and take the form of an Artistic statement that opens new
worlds for the Artist and then the Viewers.
Art is a creation of new worlds waiting to be discovered and to be absorbed throughout and to
resuscitate emptiness from the bed of Ignorance and Yearning.
“Ardent Messenger” starts and ends vibrantly: scattering unforseen bursts of color, followed by
bringing forth secret desires expressed on the canvas.

ARDENT MESSENGER 48X48 – Sophia Fine – 12-5-2015